No barbecue, picnic, or summer party would be complete without a classic three-bean salad. This easy recipe adds edamame for a healthy, protein-packed...
For someone who likes to be in and out of the kitchen, this recipe lets me do just that and gives the illusion that it was a lot more work than it was....
Great way to get kale into your diet without the bitter taste. For a healthier option, omit bacon and/or use olive oil instead of butter. You can also...
This quick and easy recipe is so delicious, make sure do not over cook the green beans, we like the tender-crisp texture; bacon bits add some nice crunchiness...
This is one my favorite green bean side dishes. It has been in my family for a very long time. It goes great with pot roast and potatoes. It's almost like...
Have a tough time getting the young ones to eat vegetables? Well they are sure to eat this fun and quick green bean dish. You can use them as a side or...
This is a great way to cook fresh green beans. This recipe is very basic, but can easily be jazzed up with some onions, fresh garlic, mushrooms - let your...
My boyfriend-turned-fiance absolutely FLIPS over these....hopefully you will enjoy them as much! Fresh green beans simmered with bacon, garlic, and onion,...
Quick pickling at home is an easy way to give homegrown vegetables the deliciously briny, tangy flavor you love, and it's easy to add whatever herbs and...
This is a delicious, easy, and quick recipe. Children love it. Best served with plain white rice and roasted or grilled chicken. It reminds me of my childhood...
A long-time family favorite. I've always brought home an empty dish when this is on the table. If you're tired of themushrooms, cream sauces, canned onions,...
A dish made from canned lima beans, pimientos and cheese was on our 1933 Thanksgiving menu. Now, we've kept the pimientos but opted for fresh green beans...
Made this cabbage and bean soup for dinner last night. Loved the soup, it was flavorful, tasty and very light. Browning all the veggies in the pot was...
I whipped this together for my wife one night and she keeps asking for it! It's a simple dish to make. The tamari and almonds go great with the green beans....
This super-easy side dish utilizes the bounty of late summer and is the perfect companion to whatever you are grilling - in fact, the stove can be turned...
Grilled new potato, crunchy green beans, feta and olives are tossed with red wine vinaigrette, sprinkling some fresh oregano on top. A light and tasty...
Easy and impressive side dish made with green beans, bacon, and French dressing - great for a crowd. You'll need a few toothpicks to carry this recipe...
Do not be fooled by the name of this awesome recipe. My family always has this as a side dish for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I promise it will be loved...
I discovered this dish at my mother-in-law's house during a family holiday buffet. Her being Japanese, she had many friends who brought wonderful Japanese...
This red and green dish is especially nice at Christmas. The ingredients sound a little odd, but the peanuts and soy give it a bit of an Oriental taste....